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Iwanta Classifieds offers the fast way to connect with local musicians in your area* Select Ad Package: We offer many different packages to help sell your musical items or run your music lesson ad…You have the choice of running a Free Classified Ad, a Classified Ad or a Photo Ad. Free Classified Ads offer 20 words to describe your items, run your photo online and place the wording both online and in print. The best way to sell your instruments is by running them with a picture and Iwanta.net offers packages that run your ad with a picture for two, six, ten or sixteen weeks and can even be upgraded to run until your guitar, trumpet, drums, piano, sax, flute or violin is sold. Sell your music gear now: iwanta.net/music_and_accessories/results.aspx
* Create your ad and upload photos: Music ads should begin with the instrument for sale or the type of lesson provided, followed by a description of the item for sale or service you provide and conclude with pricing info. With easy to use help features, the ad practically writes itself.
* Preview and confirm: Once your ad is live, you will reach 150,000 potential buyers that shop on and offline!
Reach 150,000 Music Lovers in the First Few Weeks of Advertising…A new issue of Iwanta is published weekly and Iwanta.net is updated daily. With over one million page views per month on Iwanta.net, you can rest assured your music instrument or lesson ad will be seen online! You can find a new print publication every Thursday morning at approximately 700 locations in the CSRA with a weekly audience of around 150,000.
Iwanta.net has an outstanding music and accessories category which not only lets you list your instruments for sale but even lets you offer your musical expertise in our lessons sub-category. Sell your music gear now: iwanta.net/music_and_accessories/results.aspx.
Central Savannah River Area’s most popular local classified adsSince the 70s, Iwanta has been the Central Savannah River Area’s number one Trade publication for buying, selling and trading. Iwanta’s ad categories include employment, general merchandise, pets & livestock, real estate, businesses services, vehicles, and much more.
Iwanta Classifieds and Iwanta.net725 E. Martintown RoadNorth Augusta, SC 29841803-279-0009
Article Source: sooperarticles.com/art-entertainment-articles/music-articles/music-gear-sale-sell-your-used-music-equipment-so-others-can-make-beautiful-music-17557.html
Author: Paul McGuire