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Effects of Meditation on the Body’s Hormones
Ace Smith
The human body is an extremely efficient machine. It is fueled by various substances, and is allowed to operate by means of complex systems aimed at specific purposes. The body has the ability to grow, repair damages, defend itself from possible infections, and maintain the normal functioning of all systems. Hormones play a vital role in the regulation of the human body.
meditation has already been considered as a complementary and alternative form of medicine. Many medical institutions have recognized its potential to treat both physical and mental ailments. At present, investigations on the healing and therapeutic ability of meditation are in full swing. Even more developments are brought out as the years progress. Meditation has been established as having beneficial effects to patients with cardiovascular disease. Patients with high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure have been tested with various meditative methods, and results were promising. Even in the field of respiratory medicine, meditation has aided patients with asthma. All the more has meditation helped in the realm of psychology and behavior. The practice has shown to help alleviate the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Alzheimer’s disease, phobias, trauma, and depression. Many of the explanations as to why meditation is successful in treating patients is based on its effects in the body’s hormone levels. Because the hormones are determinants of many physiological processes, scientists have attempted to quantify their levels in persons who meditate and compare them to those who don’t. For example, take into consideration the hormone cortisol. In medicine, this is also commonly known as the stress hormone. High levels of this in the blood can be activated by several factors, including that of cardiovascular disease and diet. When cortisol levels go up, a person manifests the symptoms of stress, which are fatigue, lack of sleep, sudden weight loss, and in many cases, depression. Meditation has been shown to lower the cortisol in the blood, allowing stressed patients to become more relaxed and have the ability to think more clearly.Another hormone that has been closely investigated is melatonin. Melatonin is primarily responsible for maintaining the biological clock of the human body. If there are low levels of melatonin, a person loses track of the normal body rhythms associated with time, such as sleep. Melatonin treatments are often administered to patients with insomnia and other sleep disorders. It has been found out that meditation helps increase levels of melatonin in the blood, so patients are able to relax better and get more sleep. In certain yoga practices, there are specific meditation techniques that are aimed at hormone production. One such hormone is testosterone, which is responsible for reproductive and sexual functioning in males. There are types of meditation that allow the increase of testosterone levels, which contribute to vitality and longevity for many men. Serotonin is also another important hormone, as it controls behavior and can influence the mood of a person. Meditation has been shown to regulate the levels of serotonin in the body. Low levels of serotonin can possibly lead to depression, migraine, and insomnia.
Ace Smith is a prolific writer touching base on topics like Technology, Travel,Health and others. For more information you can drop by his web sites that deals with:
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Effects of Meditation on the Body’s Hormones}